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What to Expect During a Pet Acupuncture Session: Tips for Preparing Your Pet

Alternative therapies for pets have gained popularity in recent years. One such therapy is acupuncture, adopted from traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the insertion of fine needles into particular points on the body to stimulate healing and balance.

Pet acupuncture shows promising results in alleviating diverse conditions and improving pet well-being. It follows the same principles as acupuncture for humans—that the body has channels called meridians through which vital energy flows.

A blockage or imbalance in this flow can lead to illness or discomfort. Acupuncture aims to restore the proper flow of energy by inserting needles into specific points along these meridians.

Benefits of Pet Acupuncture


Pet acupuncture can provide several benefits for your furry friends. It manages pain, particularly in arthritis, joint problems, and postoperative recovery. Acupuncture can also help with digestive disorders and respiratory issues. It helps with skin conditions, anxiety, and behavioral problems. The holistic approach can enhance your pet’s well-being and complement conventional treatments.

Finding a Qualified Pet Acupuncturist

Find a qualified and experienced practitioner when considering pet acupuncture. Look for a veterinarian with additional training in acupuncture specifically for animals.
They should have certification from reputable organizations.

They should also have a good understanding of veterinary medicine. Ask for recommendations from your regular veterinarian or the local pet community. Doing so will help ensure you find the right practitioner for your pet.

Preparing Your Pet for an Acupuncture Session


The first step before the acupuncture session is to prepare your pet. Ensure your pet is comfortable getting touched and handled. Your furry friend will need to remain still during the session.

Familiarize them with the travel carrier or car if they get anxious during transportation. It may also be helpful to schedule the session when your pet is calm, such as after a meal or play session.

Approach the pet acupuncture journey with patience and an open mind. Acupuncture may not provide immediate results. Some pets may experience improvements after one session. However, others may require several sessions before noticeable changes occur. It is vital to give the treatment time to work and to maintain the regular sessions recommended by the acupuncturist.

Approach pet acupuncture with patience and a willingness to collaborate with your acupuncturist. You can provide your furry friends with the best possible care and increase their chances of achieving positive outcomes. Remember, the well-being and comfort of your pet should always be your top priorities.

What Happens During an Acupuncture Session?


During the acupuncture session, the specialist will examine your pet to determine the appropriate treatment plan. The practitioner will locate the specific acupuncture points on your pet’s body.

They will gently insert thin, sterile needles into those points. They remain in place for a particular duration. It ranges from a few minutes to half an hour. Most pets tolerate the procedure well and find it relaxing.

Aftercare and Follow-up


Follow up on any instructions given by the acupuncturist after the acupuncture session. Your pet may feel a bit tired or sore initially. However, these side effects are usually mild and temporary. Provide your pet with a quiet and comfortable space to rest. Monitor its behavior and inform the acupuncturist of any changes or concerns. Multiple sessions may be necessary for optimal results, depending on the condition.

For more information about pet acupuncture, visit Santa Monica Pet Medical Center at our office in Santa Monica, California. Call (310) 393-8218 to book an appointment today.

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